New! KML and KMZ Map Layer
Display KML and KMZ layers on the map to help you do your work. Copy and paste a KML URL into the box at the top and submit. The file must be hosted at a publically accessible URL on the internet.
As long as the KML file is not too large, the KML should appear on the map.
Here we have some Asphalt Terminal locations (the small blue pins). Click a pin to see information in the sidebar.

A map of Australia with some KML pins.
Here is a link to some information if your KML/KMZ does not load. If it is too large or in the the wrong format it will not load on the map.

More complex KML/KMZ files can be rendered on the map. Here we have hurricane data in the Caribbean.

Loved it. Having worked with it the past few months with a few guys, it’s been very easy to work with. With the amount of video files we have, all we need to have is an external hard drive plugged in and that’s it. Earlier this week, we sat down with the town to show them the work we’ve done, and they loved it as well.
The local application has made it really easy to access and control HD video playback, which has made determining the location of roadway features very efficient. It’s allowed me to create a fully mapped video library of a city or town’s road network using hardware (GoPro cameras) that I already owned.
Start for FREE and map your GoPro videos. Its easy!
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